
You can customize the wirechat configuration file , in here you can customize options such as themse , routes & features

If you have not yet published the config , you can run the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=wirechat-config


return [

     * Table Prefix:
     * Sets the prefix for Wirechat database tables.
    'table_prefix' => 'wire_',

     * User Model:
     * The model class representing your users.
    'user_model' => \App\Models\User::class,

     * Broadcasting:
     * Configuration for message and notification queues.
    'broadcasting' => [
        'messages_queue' => 'messages', // Queue for real-time messaging.
        'notifications_queue' => 'default', // Queue for chat notifications.

     * Theme Color:
     * The primary color used in the chat interface.
    'color' => '#a855f7',

     * Home Route:
     * The route users are redirected to when they exit the chat.
    'home_route' => '/',

     * Routes:
     * Configures the URL prefix and middleware for Wirechat routes.
    'routes' => [
        'prefix' => '/chats',
        'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],

     * Features:
     * Toggle various chat features on or off.
    'show_new_chat_modal_button' => true,
    'show_new_group_modal_button' => true,
    'allow_chats_search' => true,
    'allow_media_attachments' => true,
    'allow_file_attachments' => true,

     * User Searchable Fields:
     * Fields to query when searching for users in Wirechat.
    'user_searchable_fields' => ['name'],

     * Maximum Group Members:
     * Limits the number of members allowed in a group chat.
    'max_group_members' => 3000,

     * Attachments:
     * Configuration for uploading media and files in chats.
    'attachments' => [
        'storage_folder' => 'attachments',
        'storage_disk' => 'public',
        'max_uploads' => 10,

        // Media Config
        'media_mimes' => ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'mov', 'mp4'],
        'media_max_upload_size' => 12288, // 12 MB

        // File Config
        'file_mimes' => ['zip', 'rar', 'txt', 'pdf'],
        'file_max_upload_size' => 12288, // 12 MB
