Trait Customization

WireChat lets you customize user attributes like avatar URLs, profile links, and display names to better fit your application's needs.

Customizing the User Model

To enable these customizations, add the Chatable trait to your User model and override the following methods as needed.

use App\Traits\Chatable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

class User extends Model
    use Chatable;

    * Returns the URL for the user's cover image (avatar).
    * Adjust the 'avatar_url' field to your database setup.
    public function getCoverUrlAttribute(): ?string
      return $this->avatar_url ?? null;

    * Returns the URL for the user's profile page.
    * Adjust the 'profile' route as needed for your setup.
    public function getProfileUrlAttribute(): ?string
      return route('profile', ['id' => $this->id]);

    * Returns the display name for the user.
    * Modify this to use your preferred name field.
    public function getDisplayNameAttribute(): ?string
      return $this->name ?? 'user';

    * Search for users when creating a new chat or adding members to a group.
    * Customize the search logic to limit results, such as restricting to friends or eligible users only.
    public function searchChatables(string $query): ?Collection
     $searchableFields = ['name'];
     return User::where(function ($queryBuilder) use ($searchableFields, $query) {
        foreach ($searchableFields as $field) {
                $queryBuilder->orWhere($field, 'LIKE', '%'.$query.'%');

    * Determine if the user can create new groups.
    public function canCreateGroups(): bool
      return $this->hasVerifiedEmail();

    * Determine if the user can create new groups with other users
    public function canCreateChats(): bool
     return $this->hasVerifiedEmail();
