
WireChat is designed to fit seamlessly into any Laravel application. By default, when you visit the /chats route, WireChat uses its own built-in layout. However, you may want to keep the look and feel of your existing site. Perhaps you already have a branded header, footer, or navigation bar that you’d like to retain. In that case, you can easily override WireChat’s default layout to match your application’s style.

#Overriding the Default Layout

To replace the standard WireChat layout with your own, open the WireChat configuration file and update the layout key:

return [
    // ...
    'layout' => '',

Here, '' is just an example. Feel free to use any layout path that exists in your application just make sure you keep the syntax correct.

#Setting Up Your Layout

Before WireChat can use your custom layout, you need to include WireChat styles and assets. These files power global styling and modals across WireChat’s components. You can add them directly to your Blade layout so that they’re always loaded.

Here’s a basic layout structure:

    <div class="h-[calc(100vh_-_20.0rem)]">
        {{ $slot }}
  1. @wirechatStyles injects the necessary CSS and style definitions for WireChat.
  2. {{ $slot }} is where your main page content (or in this case, your chat interface) will appear.
  3. @wirechatAssets loads the essential JavaScript files and Livewire directives that power real-time chat updates.

Tip: Make sure to wrap the chat area in a container with a fixed height. WireChat dynamically inserts and updates chat messages in real time, so having a stable height prevents layout issues and keeps your UI looking neat.

With everything set, just navigate to the /chats route in your browser. WireChat should now display in your custom layout rather than the default one. This way, your users will have a consistent experience whether they’re reading a blog post, browsing products, or chatting with others in your application.

Once you’ve overridden the layout, you’re ready to take full advantage of WireChat’s features, all without sacrificing your site’s unique branding or style. If you need more fine grained control such as embedding WireChat widgets into specific pages or sections check out the additional configuration options in the Embedding section.