Core Components

WireChat is built on top of Laravel Livewire, providing a set of core components that handle everything from listing conversations to creating new groups. Whether you’re customizing chat features or building new interfaces on top of WireChat, understanding these components is crucial. Each one can be extended or overridden in your own namespace, giving you the flexibility to adapt WireChat’s functionality without modifying the package itself.

#Available Wirechat Livewire Components

Below is an overview table of WireChat’s Livewire components. Each entry shows its default Livewire identifier (used in Blade), the namespace where you’ll find the class, and any required parameters such as a conversation model needed for proper functionality.

Livewire Identifier Namespace / Class Parameters
wirechat Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Widgets\WireChat None (No explicit param) Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chat\Chat conversation Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chat\Info conversation Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chat\Group\AddMembers conversation Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chat\Group\Members conversation Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chat\Group\Permissions conversation
wirechat.chats Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Chats\Chats None (No explicit param) Namu\WireChat\Livewire\New\Chat None (No explicit param) Namu\WireChat\Livewire\New\Group None
wirechat.pages.index Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Pages\Chats None (No explicit param)
wirechat.pages.view Namu\WireChat\Livewire\Pages\Chat conversation

#Notes & Tips

  • Overriding or Extending Components
    If you want to customize a component (e.g., to add extra methods or modify its behavior), create a new class that extends the original namespace and register it under the same Livewire identifier in your service provider. Available WireChat Components
  • Parameters
    Some components (like or wirechat.pages.view) rely on a conversation model instance to function. Make sure to pass the relevant data to these components whenever you instantiate them or navigate to their routes.